When it comes to the laws that govern our universe, whether we know it or not, we are either violating them, or in harmony with them.
I know the word “violate” is pretty cringe-worthy…
But, today we dive deep into one of the laws that most of us violate without even knowing it!
And, it’s hurting our success.
It’s the Universal Law of Gender aka the Universal Law of Gestation which governs our masculine and feminine sides and our creativity.
This isn’t about sex education, but it’s just as juicy!
Bottom line – if you have a goal or desire that you want to manifest, it will happen when the time is right.
We have an image.
We build that image in our mind.
And, then we have FAITH that it’s coming. (Read that again)
So, it’s the gestation period when something manifests from concept into form.
If you plant a carrot seed, how long does it take to grow? 6 weeks to come into full form.
An elephant? 20-24 months.
A human baby? 9.5 months.
Your burning desire or dream? That’s the big question.
Do you 100% believe in it?
Do you believe your desire will develop and mature into form with as much faith as if you planted a carrot seed?
So, how long does it take you to bring your desire to fruition?
Watch this week’s VLOG to find out.