Kiss this low vibration goodbye… for good!!!

Kiss this low vibration goodbye… for good!!!

 Do you know when you have split energy??? Meaning you are saying yes AND no to yourself at the same time.

For most of us we do this a LOT!

We say yes to our vision, our growth, our desires, what we want to create in the world, AND at the same time, we have contradictory energy.

This split energy is often a blind spot for us… until it’s not.

Well, in this week’s VLOG, I’d like to share a new perspective that unveils your blind spots and immediately shifts you from a low vibration (giving away your power and disconnected from your Truth) to a higher vibration (in alignment and in your full power).

When we are aligned, we are in “yes” mode (higher vibration).

  • YES, this is the life I want to do/have/experience. 
  • YES, this is my vision and I’m the creator of my reality (alignment).

BUT IN THE SAME BREATH we may be unknowingly taking ourselves out of this high vibration when we look at certain areas of our life that we aren’t happy with.

  • We may be unconsciously pointing our fingers, blaming something or someone for it being that way (my ex, family, teacher, economy, housing market, stock market crash, landlord, boss…)
  • Even though this can be very subtle, it puts us in “victim mode” (low vibration, not in alignment).

When we state that someone or something did something to us (outside of ourselves), we become disconnected from our truth that we are co-creators of our lives.

Ready for a different perspective?

Listen up… rather than playing the blame game consider this:

Your soul has called these experiences into your life for your learning, for your growth, for your expansion, for your evolution!!!

So, if you really want to grow and expand, when you encounter a situation or person in your life that tells you that you aren’t deserving/worthy/lovable etc., instead of pointing the finger, rise above and recognize it’s a golden opportunity for your expansion!

When you can see it for what it REALLY is – not only do you move into a higher vibration, where you’re in alignment, but there’s a TON OF FREEDOM!

Watch now and learn how to call yourself out WITH LOVE so you can break your habitual patterns and kiss that low vibration goodbye…for good!

How to Be a Conscious Creator!

How to Be a Conscious Creator!

Last Friday, we had an incredible Masterclass – Consciously Create Your Best Year Yet. Women showed up and did the work to reclaim their energy, purpose and power.

Becoming a conscious creator means being in your power. It means living aligned with your inner purpose.

Today, I’d like to highlight one area we focussed on – how to reframe traditional goal setting and create vibrational goals instead.

Think about the vision board. We plaster pictures all over of the ‘dream life’ that we want. The problem with vision boards is that there is no focus. Your vision is scattered, just like the board.

With traditional goal setting we focus on the goal, and RARELY get into the FEELING; which is the secret sauce to bringing your desires to fruition!

Here’s what to do instead to create powerful vibrational goals: Create a wheel with 8 spokes, then put the following 8 categories in each spoke:

  1. Physical/Health/Fitness Wellbeing
  2. Love/Romance/Intimate partner
  3. Family/Friends/Community
  4. Spirituality/Personal Development
  5. Financial
  6. Fun/Recreation/Hobby/Creativity
  7. Career/Business
  8. Life Purpose/ Vision

Pick your top 3 categories and create your top 3 desires you want for 2021.

Next, make a list of how each of these desires FEEL once accomplished. (Come up with as many feeling as possible!)

For example, if you desire a new love, you might choose FEELING words like: loved, nurtured, adored, cherished, supported, at ease, safe… you get the picture? Here’s how you put it into practice:

  1. Coming into presence
  2. Marrying your desires (in the form of a mental image) with your FEELING
  3. Bask in the FEELING as long as you can!
  4. Rinse & repeat

Again, FEEL FEEL FEEL your desires as if they were already accomplished. This is the secret sauce, and often the missing ingredient in making your desires a reality!

For the full version, we have decided to keep the Masterclass in the Conscious Creators in Wealth, Love & Purpose! Facebook group – you can access the group here.



​Do you love the idea of the Law of Attraction, but haven’t been able to get it to work for you? Or maybe it’s been hit and miss? The real explanation is probably not what you think.

Here’s the truth: The Law of Attraction has been oversimplified and bastardized. If you are familiar with the movie The Secret, it was great from the perspective that it helped humanity become more awake to our abilities to consciously create. On the flip side, the consensus was that the law was so oversimplified and left people feeling misled and bewildered.

So let’s set things straight…

If you’ve been following me lately, you’ll have noticed that I’ve spent a lot of time lately diving into the ways we give away our energy and personal power. It’s the first thing I share with my High Powered Living group, and that’s for a very good reason.

When you want to create a better life (more love, better finances, more fulfilling career etc), you MUST first, “clean up how you show up”.

Why? Because chances are you have limiting beliefs and thought patterns that are running the show. And they hold you back from being the powerful creator that you are!

The tricky part is that you usually aren’t even aware you are doing this… until you are!

I recall years ago when I was stuck at the same income level. I knew I needed to do things differently if I wanted different results. I thought I was doing everything right to attract what I wanted, but then realized I had a blind spot. So I started to become more and more aware of my thoughts and beliefs. I soon discovered that I actually had resistance to growing! Yikes. I believed “If I grow my income, I will have even more responsibilities and work and I will burn out.” It didn’t matter what intentions I set, this belief always won!

In other words, your blocks will always trump your desires! Eeeek, not good!

Once I worked on letting go of my limiting belief and increased the focus on my desire, I ended up quadrupling my income! (Side note: In the process, I created a new belief, “More income means more freedom, more experiences, ability to hire help, serve more people and give back.”)

So to make this Law work for you, you MUST first make the unconscious, conscious so that you can stop arguing for your limitations and become the powerful creator you are.

At a superficial level, can you see why so many people might say the Law of Attraction doesn’t work? Truth is, it is ALWAYS WORKING!! It’s LAW! No different than Newton’s Law of Gravity.

It works but we need to work it! And we must become aware of the energy that we are putting out into the world. Most of us do not live with this kind of awareness.

So let’s recap. To become the powerful conscious creator that you are, you must:

1) Clean up how you show up: Become aware of and overcome your blocks by reclaiming your energy and personal power. (Remember the Human Do-er, The External Validator, The Unexpressed, and the other ways we give away our energy?)

2) Make the unconscious conscious: Look at your results! These are a reflection; manifestations of your thoughts and beliefs. They will tell you how to adjust.

3) Live every day with greater awareness: Make this your new way of BE-ing. The more conscious you are = the greater ability to be a conscious creator.

I will leave you with one of my favourite quotes by Les Brown.

Remember, the Law of Attraction is always working and you are always attracting! What is it that you are currently attracting? And what is it you REALLY want to attract?