The #1 way we block our desires & how to unblock them!

The #1 way we block our desires & how to unblock them!

This week discover the #1 way we can block our desires from coming into our physical reality, and how we can immediately unblock ourselves.

Watch this week’s blog and learn this Power Practice, in other words a way to put this into practice.

It’ll be well worth it, I swear!

Are you pushing away the very thing you want most? (Say what?!) …

Are you pushing away the very thing you want most? (Say what?!) …

Today’s topic is one that keeps coming up over and over as we learn what it really takes to manifest the BIG stuff!

So I have a question for you… Do you ever feel like you’re pushing away the very thing you want most?

Now, when I say “want”, I’m talking about your desires that come from within, not a “want” from a place of lack or Ego.

Here’s the truth: Whether you desire something simple or big, the CREATIVE PROCESS to bring it into your physical reality is the EXACT SAME!

Stay with me…

Think about something simple you want, let’s say planting a new section in your garden. (Easy to manifest, right?) Now think about something that feels big to you, perhaps having 10 new clients or acquiring $1M. (Does it feel ‘harder’?) Again, the manifestation process is the exact same – Thoughts to Feelings to Action turn into Results.

SO why do we have such an issue bringing in the BIG stuff???

When we go from the simple to BIG, our perception changes. We get in the way and start thinking it’s going to be hard, we question it, or have doubt or fear around it. This is RESISTANCE. And when we have resistance, we push it away.

The key is to change your perception of your BIG desire! When you learn to change your perception, you will change your reality!

This week’s VLOG is all about understanding why it seems so much harder to manifest the bigger stuff.

This is a big one to get!!

Just remember: Bottom line – change your perception, and change your reality!

Stop EFFORTING so much… it’s derailing your success!

Stop EFFORTING so much… it’s derailing your success!

Our society has an incessant need to effort, force, and push our way to success. But, we have it completely backwards!

So, in this week’s VLOG, we dive right into how to stop EFFORTING so much!

We all have true desires and goals we want to achieve; it’s part of the human experience. Maybe it’s travelling, falling in love, giving back to the world, living your healthiest life or perhaps expanding your business.

When you are inspired by a true desire (true = inspired = IN SPIRIT), do you go into EFFORT mode? Does your brain say, ‘HOW do I make this happen?

For most of us, it’s YES!!!! 

We forget that EFFORTING pushes away the thing you are working so hard at getting!!!

How to change your energy from force to flow: 

  1. Stay aligned to Source. Your Inner Being, Spirit, God or Universal Energy has got it all figured out!! (Read that again!) So stay connected to whatever that Source is for you, and focus on feeling good because that open you us to divine guidance. Striving, forcing and efforting takes you out of alignment and pushes away what you are working so hard at getting!
  2. Take inspired aligned action. When you get that true desire from within, instead of disconnecting, STAY CONNECTED to that inspiring energy. You will notice that you are guided, led and able to follow where Source leads you. So, make it a practice to live your life connected to your Source. Plug in and stay plugged in – so you can live on the path of least resistance, WITHOUT THE EFFORT!

Watch now and learn how to use LESS effort so you can get on the path of least resistance and create the reality you REALLY want!

Breakthrough Your Resistance Part 1

Breakthrough Your Resistance Part 1

Resistance may not sound like a sexy topic, but it’s HUGE and we need to pay attention to it because it shows up EVERYWHERE!

Everywhere I look right now I feel an undertone going on around this. With all that is going on in the world, lots of people are growing and shifting. This is exciting, BUT it also creates the need for us to be aware of our own resistance. This is the ego trying to keep us safe and small.

Be WISE to this!!

In one of my 7 Energy Archetypes, I address this resistance because it so prevalent.

There are 2 main ways we resist. The first is by resisting ‘what is’ – the natural flow of things. This is what you don’t have control over such as the cost of living, line-ups, traffic, bills, taxes, weather, the way people are. THESE THINGS JUST ARE, and often we don’t even consider it as resistance because it’s become so ‘normal’ to resist these types of things. It’s like we have been programmed.

But it’s important to remember that no matter how subtle, this form of resistance is still wasted energy AND as you know, what we resist, persists! But here’s the thing…

RESISTANCE causes unnecessary suffering!

The good news is that it’s easy to shift the obvious stuff. With a little awareness, you can catch yourself doing it and choose differently.

Sometimes this resistance can be a little sneakier, such as when we have a desire/goal that we’re focussed on, yet we simultaneously, unconsciously block it from coming to fruition.

How? We do this when we doubt it, question where it is, wonder why it hasn’t shown up or focus on it not being here yet. ALL resistance.

If we are not where we want to be, we have resistance.

So ask yourself what is the thing I do that keeps my desires at bay?

The second way that we resist is more serious. It can show as the ‘YES but’ syndrome. It happens when we feel called to do something; a pull on our heart strings, BUT we hold back out of fear, doubt or worry.

This resistance will wreak havoc in your life – and the crazy part is that many of us go our whole lives like this.

Now let me ask you: What is your ‘Yes BUT’??? Where do you feel the call BUT then put the brakes on yourself? What is one thing you can do right away to take the brakes off you?

And remember, awareness has the potential to change everything. So pay attention. You are a creator. Live with more intention, so you can create what you want.

Watch part 2: How to embody Non-Resistance and one of the Universal laws around non-resistance.

How to Be a Conscious Creator!

How to Be a Conscious Creator!

Last Friday, we had an incredible Masterclass – Consciously Create Your Best Year Yet. Women showed up and did the work to reclaim their energy, purpose and power.

Becoming a conscious creator means being in your power. It means living aligned with your inner purpose.

Today, I’d like to highlight one area we focussed on – how to reframe traditional goal setting and create vibrational goals instead.

Think about the vision board. We plaster pictures all over of the ‘dream life’ that we want. The problem with vision boards is that there is no focus. Your vision is scattered, just like the board.

With traditional goal setting we focus on the goal, and RARELY get into the FEELING; which is the secret sauce to bringing your desires to fruition!

Here’s what to do instead to create powerful vibrational goals: Create a wheel with 8 spokes, then put the following 8 categories in each spoke:

  1. Physical/Health/Fitness Wellbeing
  2. Love/Romance/Intimate partner
  3. Family/Friends/Community
  4. Spirituality/Personal Development
  5. Financial
  6. Fun/Recreation/Hobby/Creativity
  7. Career/Business
  8. Life Purpose/ Vision

Pick your top 3 categories and create your top 3 desires you want for 2021.

Next, make a list of how each of these desires FEEL once accomplished. (Come up with as many feeling as possible!)

For example, if you desire a new love, you might choose FEELING words like: loved, nurtured, adored, cherished, supported, at ease, safe… you get the picture? Here’s how you put it into practice:

  1. Coming into presence
  2. Marrying your desires (in the form of a mental image) with your FEELING
  3. Bask in the FEELING as long as you can!
  4. Rinse & repeat

Again, FEEL FEEL FEEL your desires as if they were already accomplished. This is the secret sauce, and often the missing ingredient in making your desires a reality!

For the full version, we have decided to keep the Masterclass in the Conscious Creators in Wealth, Love & Purpose! Facebook group – you can access the group here.