How to get out of a slump: 3 ways to honour how you are feeling and move to a better state
Have you found yourself in a slump lately? Whether it’s in our personal lives or business…Covid caused, or just a rainy day “case of the funks,” today is all about building up your anti-funk muscle with 3 key steps to honour how you are feeling and move to a better state.
In this week’s VLOG, I pinpoint:
- How to process and deal with repressed feelings and emotions.
- How to un-blue yourself and connect back to the truth of who you are.
Most of us weren’t taught how to deal directly with our emotions. And, sometimes when we’re feeling kind of slumpy, or funky, it’s really easy to stay there, because that’s what Ego wants!
So, to kill Ego and shift that energy to a higher vibration and move to a better state:
- Honour where you are at. And fully honour your feelings. Whatever you are feeling in your body is just a feeling…it’s not who you are! Fully honouring and feeling is the first step in letting it go!
- Connect back to your vision and the feeling of it. When you strengthen this connection it becomes your guiding light; your North Star. Make it a practice to continuously and consciously feed your mind this vision.
- Now, take inspired action to gain new evidence! Gaining new evidence helps to affirm a new pattern in your nervous system. Over time, you will build up your anti-funk muscle and will be able to un-blue yourself when needed!
Feeling better? Great!
Just remember
“What is repressed will be expressed in later days and uglier ways.”
So, whether you’re in a slump right now, or a slump in the future, watch this week’s video for some really actionable ways to make the necessary shift from feeling crappy to happy. Then reply to this email and let me know what you think.
Back by popular demand! I’m hosting an encore Conscious Wealth Creators workshop on May 29th. If you missed the first one, and are inspired to create more abundance in any area of your life, reserve your seat now at the earlybird rate of only $97. Details below.