Kiss this low vibration goodbye… for good!!!

Kiss this low vibration goodbye… for good!!!

 Do you know when you have split energy??? Meaning you are saying yes AND no to yourself at the same time.

For most of us we do this a LOT!

We say yes to our vision, our growth, our desires, what we want to create in the world, AND at the same time, we have contradictory energy.

This split energy is often a blind spot for us… until it’s not.

Well, in this week’s VLOG, I’d like to share a new perspective that unveils your blind spots and immediately shifts you from a low vibration (giving away your power and disconnected from your Truth) to a higher vibration (in alignment and in your full power).

When we are aligned, we are in “yes” mode (higher vibration).

  • YES, this is the life I want to do/have/experience. 
  • YES, this is my vision and I’m the creator of my reality (alignment).

BUT IN THE SAME BREATH we may be unknowingly taking ourselves out of this high vibration when we look at certain areas of our life that we aren’t happy with.

  • We may be unconsciously pointing our fingers, blaming something or someone for it being that way (my ex, family, teacher, economy, housing market, stock market crash, landlord, boss…)
  • Even though this can be very subtle, it puts us in “victim mode” (low vibration, not in alignment).

When we state that someone or something did something to us (outside of ourselves), we become disconnected from our truth that we are co-creators of our lives.

Ready for a different perspective?

Listen up… rather than playing the blame game consider this:

Your soul has called these experiences into your life for your learning, for your growth, for your expansion, for your evolution!!!

So, if you really want to grow and expand, when you encounter a situation or person in your life that tells you that you aren’t deserving/worthy/lovable etc., instead of pointing the finger, rise above and recognize it’s a golden opportunity for your expansion!

When you can see it for what it REALLY is – not only do you move into a higher vibration, where you’re in alignment, but there’s a TON OF FREEDOM!

Watch now and learn how to call yourself out WITH LOVE so you can break your habitual patterns and kiss that low vibration goodbye…for good!

Give Money a Reason to Show Up!

Give Money a Reason to Show Up!

Most of us have an invisible wall we bump up against when dealing with money. Without identifying and seeing it for what it is, we will just continue to keep rinsing and repeating the cycle.

How does that thing you want to have or experience show up for you?

What do you do when there is something you desire to have, invest in or experience, that requires money BUT you don’t physically have the money?

What do you do?

Do you buy the steak and lobster?  Or do you settle for something less?

This week’s VLOG dives into identifying where you bump up against your invisible wall, and how you can make ONE powerful shift so the money will show up for you! (It’s ridiculously easy but very few of us do this!)

Remember…money isn’t good or bad, it’s whatever meaning you’ve given it.

So, give money a reason to show up!