LET GO of the story! It’s time to call yourself out!
So, what’s your story? You know, the one you keep telling?
Maybe it’s around your business.
Maybe it’s around your health.
Maybe it’s about relationships.
Oh, and we can’t forget…. money!
When you bring them to the surface…
What do you tell yourself?
“I’m always broke.” “Money’s hard.” “I never have enough money.”
Maybe you keep thinking, “My business just isn’t where I want it to be.”
“I have such toxic people in my life!” or “I’m so tired of that person!”
Well, one thing is for sure. When we keep telling a story over and over (to ourselves or to others), we are not seeing the story for what it REALLY IS.
Here are some truth bombs for you…
- Your story is trying to show you the way
- Your story is trying to show you the REAL YOU!
- Your story is a gateway to your higher expression! (yes, you read that right!)
But you can’t transform it unless you are aware of it and open to bringing your blind spots into full view.
Isn’t it time, especially given the world we live in today, that you LET GO of the story that is keeping you safe and comfortable?