I’m excited to share a video from my brand new FB community! Watch it now or check out the nuggets below.

Be sure to check out the full video in the group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/highpoweredwomen

On women holding back…

The one thing I know to be true is that women hold back; we hold back from our fullest expression.

And I say that with oodles and oodles of love and compassion, yet even women, whom we perceive as successful in the ‘outer’ world hold back.

On aligning to our truth first…

Far too often we want to create something new in our lives, but we are not aligned with the Truth of who we are. It doesn’t work that way!

We need to first recognize the truth of who we are so that we can attract the life we want.

We must clean up how we show up before we can attract our desires.

On recognizing our wholeness…

When I talk about aligning, growing and transforming – it’s NEVER, ever stating that where we are is wrong, bad, broken or we need fixing.

In fact, it’s the exact opposite. It is about recognizing our wholeness, KNOWING that we are complete.

On reclaiming our power by plugging our energy leaks…

There are many, but I’m referring to the mental/emotional energy drains. These are usually unconscious and habitual. One of these is The External Validator.

So with a whole lot of self-love and compassion, I invite you to watch this week’s vlog, knowing that there is no right or wrong, good or bad. Just awareness and expansion.
