Flip Your Wealth Switch with this simple tip
If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve probably heard me talk about the importance of moving away from “The Old Wealth Paradigm”, which is not a very conscious way to show up in the world (pushing, striving, working your ass off– going beyond our natural elegant flow), to “The New Wealth Paradigm” where we are aligned, connected to our power, living according to Truth and working with the Laws… a very conscious way to show up!
And, when you are moving from the old to the new, here’s one tip that will flip ON your wealth switch.
When you think about having more money in your life, more clients in your business, more vibrancy in your health, let me ask you this…
Where is your focus? Is it “Out of” or “Into”?
As you go about your day…
Do you focus on getting “out of” debt or “into” wealth?
Do you focus on getting “out of” a low client load or “into” a full client load?
Do you focus on getting “out of” feeling unwell or “into” ideal health?
At first glance, they may seem the same, but they have VERY different vibrations!!!! And will bring you VERY different results into your life!
Watch this week’s VLOG, to build your skills as a Conscious Wealth Creator and make the unconscious…. conscious… so that you can flip your wealth switch ON!