Stop EFFORTING so much… it’s derailing your success!
Our society has an incessant need to effort, force, and push our way to success. But, we have it completely backwards!
So, in this week’s VLOG, we dive right into how to stop EFFORTING so much!
We all have true desires and goals we want to achieve; it’s part of the human experience. Maybe it’s travelling, falling in love, giving back to the world, living your healthiest life or perhaps expanding your business.
When you are inspired by a true desire (true = inspired = IN SPIRIT), do you go into EFFORT mode? Does your brain say, ‘HOW do I make this happen?
For most of us, it’s YES!!!!
We forget that EFFORTING pushes away the thing you are working so hard at getting!!!
How to change your energy from force to flow:
- Stay aligned to Source. Your Inner Being, Spirit, God or Universal Energy has got it all figured out!! (Read that again!) So stay connected to whatever that Source is for you, and focus on feeling good because that open you us to divine guidance. Striving, forcing and efforting takes you out of alignment and pushes away what you are working so hard at getting!
- Take inspired aligned action. When you get that true desire from within, instead of disconnecting, STAY CONNECTED to that inspiring energy. You will notice that you are guided, led and able to follow where Source leads you. So, make it a practice to live your life connected to your Source. Plug in and stay plugged in – so you can live on the path of least resistance, WITHOUT THE EFFORT!
Watch now and learn how to use LESS effort so you can get on the path of least resistance and create the reality you REALLY want!