Your Story, Your Vibration, and Your Results!! Let’s Take Off the Blinders!!!
Are you connecting the dots when things aren’t so rosy?
Most of us don’t! (Say what?!)
In this week’s VLOG we’ll take a look at our blind spots and dive into how our response to them can really affect what happens in our lives.
Most of us understand the basic laws such as Law of Attraction and Law of Vibration and believe that we are the creators of our reality.
Perhaps we listen to podcasts, watch YouTube channels regularly, and apply the principles to the best of our abilities.
When something good happens (the rosy stuff), we proudly say, “Oooh! I did that, I made that happen!.”
Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy, right?
BUT (and it’s a BIG one!)…
When it comes to things in our life that aren’t so rosy…
- Someone cuts us off in traffic.
- Or, the barista gets our order wrong (for the third time).
- Or, our Zoom calls keep dropping.
Are we engaging??? Far too often, in the moment of choice, we are choosing to engage in this lower vibration activity.
Suddenly everything we’ve learned about the Law of Attraction, Law of Vibration, and all that manifesting stuff goes straight out the window!
Why? Because we temporarily go ‘unconscious’; we’ve put the blinders on.
We’ve all been there, done that. Hanging out in a lower vibration.
And we KNOW this stuff, right?!?! We know that when we engage in this lower vibration it comes right back to us!
So today is all about how you consciously choose to respond – stay conscious, connect those dots, keep your vibration high so you can continue to receive high vibration results in your life!
Yes, these situations are annoying and frustrating.
Building your awareness around your blindspots is just one of many topics we will dive into together in the Conscious Wealth Creators workshop October 23rd.