LET GO of the story! It’s time to call yourself out!

LET GO of the story! It’s time to call yourself out!

So, what’s your story? You know, the one you keep telling? 

Maybe it’s around your business.

Maybe it’s around your health.

Maybe it’s about relationships.

Oh, and we can’t forget…. money!

When you bring them to the surface…

What do you tell yourself?

“I’m always broke.” “Money’s hard.” “I never have enough money.”

Maybe you keep thinking, “My business just isn’t where I want it to be.”

“I have such toxic people in my life!” or “I’m so tired of that person!”

Well, one thing is for sure. When we keep telling a story over and over (to ourselves or to others), we are not seeing the story for what it REALLY IS.

Here are some truth bombs for you…

  • Your story is trying to show you the way
  • Your story is trying to show you the REAL YOU!
  • Your story is a gateway to your higher expression! (yes, you read that right!)

But you can’t transform it unless you are aware of it and open to bringing your blind spots into full view.

Isn’t it time, especially given the world we live in today, that you LET GO of the story that is keeping you safe and comfortable?

Flip Your Wealth Switch with this simple tip

Flip Your Wealth Switch with this simple tip

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve probably heard me talk about the importance of moving away from “The Old Wealth Paradigm”, which is not a very conscious way to show up in the world (pushing, striving, working your ass off– going beyond our natural elegant flow), to “The New Wealth Paradigm” where we are aligned, connected to our power, living according to Truth and working with the Laws… a very conscious way to show up!

And, when you are moving from the old to the new, here’s one tip that will flip ON your wealth switch.

When you think about having more money in your life, more clients in your business, more vibrancy in your health, let me ask you this…

Where is your focus? Is it “Out of” or “Into”?

As you go about your day…
Do you focus on getting “out of” debt or “into” wealth?
Do you focus on getting “out of” a low client load or “into” a full client load?
Do you focus on getting “out of” feeling unwell or “into” ideal health?

At first glance, they may seem the same, but they have VERY different vibrations!!!! And will bring you VERY different results into your life!

Watch this week’s VLOG, to build your skills as a Conscious Wealth Creator and make the unconscious…. conscious… so that you can flip your wealth switch ON!

Give Money a Reason to Show Up!

Give Money a Reason to Show Up!

Most of us have an invisible wall we bump up against when dealing with money. Without identifying and seeing it for what it is, we will just continue to keep rinsing and repeating the cycle.

How does that thing you want to have or experience show up for you?

What do you do when there is something you desire to have, invest in or experience, that requires money BUT you don’t physically have the money?

What do you do?

Do you buy the steak and lobster?  Or do you settle for something less?

This week’s VLOG dives into identifying where you bump up against your invisible wall, and how you can make ONE powerful shift so the money will show up for you! (It’s ridiculously easy but very few of us do this!)

Remember…money isn’t good or bad, it’s whatever meaning you’ve given it.

So, give money a reason to show up!

Are you caught in a love/hate relationship with MONEY?

Are you caught in a love/hate relationship with MONEY?

We are a society SO triggered and wounded by money. But the truth is money is neither good nor bad. It just IS.

Money is a symptom of our thinking… so, what meaning have YOU given to money?

TLet’s peel it back, and take a LOOK…

Think of a scenario where you get triggered by money or have resistance to money; where things don’t flow. Perhaps it’s when you receive an unexpected expense, make a big purchase, or you overhear someone sharing that they had a big windfall, or maybe you are already financially abundant but seem to hit an invisible ceiling.

To understand what your relationship is to money, tune into what feelings come up. Is it jealousy, a feeling of scarcity, hard to keep, never enough, hate (ouch) … or heaven forbid… love????

A big clue to help you know how you feel about money and what your relationship is… is by looking at your results! Results don’t lie

Watch this week’s VLOG to learn a simple 3-step exercise to heal your relationship with money.

Are you an Over-Giver? Well, stop that!

Are you an Over-Giver? Well, stop that!

Today we are talking about “The Over-Giver” –a pattern amongst many women, especially moms, caregivers and even business women that is so prevalent in today’s society.

Are you an Over-Giver?

If the answer is a resounding YES, know that you are not alone.

And I always say…

It’s wonderful to give, but never at the cost of yourself!


Because then you are giving away your power, your energy and even blocking your wealth!

The moment I realized I was the epitome of an Over-Giver came on the heels of a breakup.

It was the turning point in my life. I had been taking care of kids, family, my partner…I’d been taking care of everyone except ME.

Once that fully registered and I knew I had to make a shift– EVERYTHING CHANGED.

I started to show up in a different way. Instead of giving UP myself, I chose to give OF myself.

So, where is that for you? Where is the line between giving and loving yourself and letting your energy flow, or depleting yourself for the sake of others?

Powerful, isn’t it?

Identifying prevalent wealth energy archetypes (like the Over-Giver) that block your power and deplete your energy is the first action step, so that you can embody the empowered version (The Giver/Receiver) that you are truly meant to be!

Embodying your full power is an integral component of my upcoming 3-month program, Conscious Wealth Creators Academy. It is about showing up for yourself in a new way. It’s about learning to live in alignment with the truth of who you are and CONSCIOUSLY creating the life you KNOW you were meant for!

We will cover all 10 wealth energy archetypes so that you can:

  • Reclaim your wealth building energy and begin living in alignment with your wealthiest life.
  • Let go of your energy blocks so you can stop depleting yourself for the sake of others.
  • Show up in a new way where you can give/receive from an aligned place. 

Now is YOUR time to CONSCIOUSLY create YOUR wealthiest life – money, business, relationships!