Are you pushing away the very thing you want most? (Say what?!) …

Are you pushing away the very thing you want most? (Say what?!) …

Today’s topic is one that keeps coming up over and over as we learn what it really takes to manifest the BIG stuff!

So I have a question for you… Do you ever feel like you’re pushing away the very thing you want most?

Now, when I say “want”, I’m talking about your desires that come from within, not a “want” from a place of lack or Ego.

Here’s the truth: Whether you desire something simple or big, the CREATIVE PROCESS to bring it into your physical reality is the EXACT SAME!

Stay with me…

Think about something simple you want, let’s say planting a new section in your garden. (Easy to manifest, right?) Now think about something that feels big to you, perhaps having 10 new clients or acquiring $1M. (Does it feel ‘harder’?) Again, the manifestation process is the exact same – Thoughts to Feelings to Action turn into Results.

SO why do we have such an issue bringing in the BIG stuff???

When we go from the simple to BIG, our perception changes. We get in the way and start thinking it’s going to be hard, we question it, or have doubt or fear around it. This is RESISTANCE. And when we have resistance, we push it away.

The key is to change your perception of your BIG desire! When you learn to change your perception, you will change your reality!

This week’s VLOG is all about understanding why it seems so much harder to manifest the bigger stuff.

This is a big one to get!!

Just remember: Bottom line – change your perception, and change your reality!

THE PROCESS: From Thought to Reality

THE PROCESS: From Thought to Reality

In this week’s vlog, I walk you through The Process and share the cheat sheet with you.

Think about anything you want to create in your life – writing a book, making more money, or strengthening your relationship.

To bring anything big or small from thought to reality, The Process will bring awareness of when we are on the path of least resistance and the path of most resistance.

This big picture awareness helps to reframe your resistance so that you can shift onto the path of least resistance. This is where your desire will manifest.

Watch it now and tell me what you think.