How to Be a Conscious Creator!
Last Friday, we had an incredible Masterclass – Consciously Create Your Best Year Yet. Women showed up and did the work to reclaim their energy, purpose and power.
Becoming a conscious creator means being in your power. It means living aligned with your inner purpose.
Today, I’d like to highlight one area we focussed on – how to reframe traditional goal setting and create vibrational goals instead.
Think about the vision board. We plaster pictures all over of the ‘dream life’ that we want. The problem with vision boards is that there is no focus. Your vision is scattered, just like the board.
With traditional goal setting we focus on the goal, and RARELY get into the FEELING; which is the secret sauce to bringing your desires to fruition!
Here’s what to do instead to create powerful vibrational goals: Create a wheel with 8 spokes, then put the following 8 categories in each spoke:
- Physical/Health/Fitness Wellbeing
- Love/Romance/Intimate partner
- Family/Friends/Community
- Spirituality/Personal Development
- Financial
- Fun/Recreation/Hobby/
Creativity - Career/Business
- Life Purpose/ Vision
Pick your top 3 categories and create your top 3 desires you want for 2021.
Next, make a list of how each of these desires FEEL once accomplished. (Come up with as many feeling as possible!)
For example, if you desire a new love, you might choose FEELING words like: loved, nurtured, adored, cherished, supported, at ease, safe… you get the picture? Here’s how you put it into practice:
- Coming into presence
- Marrying your desires (in the form of a mental image) with your FEELING
- Bask in the FEELING as long as you can!
- Rinse & repeat
Again, FEEL FEEL FEEL your desires as if they were already accomplished. This is the secret sauce, and often the missing ingredient in making your desires a reality!
For the full version, we have decided to keep the Masterclass in the Conscious Creators in Wealth, Love & Purpose! Facebook group – you can access the group here.