Do you ever feel like you are “doing the do’s” (vision board, guided meditations, etc.), yet things just aren’t coming to fruition?

This is likely because you are coming from a “lack” consciousness.

It’s easy to manifest when things aren’t too far out of our comfort zone. It’s when we are in unfamiliar territory with our desires, that things can seem more challenging.

But, here’s the deal. It’s the exact same process. Our thoughts turn into things.

Thoughts – Feelings – Actions -Results

So, what’s getting in your way? YOU are! (please don’t shoot the messenger!)

In this week’s VLOG, I pinpoint how you can move the needle and make the subtle shift from “lack” consciousness to a consciousness of presence. 

Get out of your head and move into present moment awareness. Be still. Be here. Be now. Because, if you are in the past or future, you aren’t here to receive!

Yet, when you are in present-moment awareness, it has everything you desire on the feeling level.

So, how often do you practice being present?

Watch now and learn how to overcome the biggest manifestation challenge most people bump up against. It’s time to get out of your head and recognize that there is no lack. You are already whole here and now.


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